|Interactive .|
|.    Tales    .|

. o O ~ Tinsel Tribulations ~ O o .

A seasonal adventure by Dasra © 2024, 2025.

  • (l)ook to view the room and (l)ook [thing, person]
  • open, close [door, container]
  • (h)elp - help with commands

  • (i)nventory - list items you carry and wear

  • take [thing], drop [thing]

  • wear [clothes item], take off [clothes item]

  • put [object] on [object]

  • toss [object] down [object] - could be useful.

  • knock [object] - might do something, sometimes.

  • serve [drink item]

  • read [object] - read books, magazines

  • undo - reverse your last action

  • hint - if you are stuck. Updates with story progress.

  • save, restore - save and load your progress.


  • (e)ast (w)est (n)orth (s)outh (u)p (d)own
    (se) south east, (nw) north west, etc.

  • Wander, explore, examine things in the setting.
  • Do a lot of looking.

  • There are minor tasks to complete and one simple problem to solve.

Play Tinsel Tribulations

View Map of the play area

Tinsel Tribulations was created using Inform 7

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web pages © 2025 Dasra
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